This is a premliminary page for the Big Bronco web ring. The idea behind this webring is to get the members of the Big Broncos mailing list to enter their personal bronco pages into this ring. Many of us have personal pages outside of our listings on the registry, and here is the central location to all of the sites. This webring is also open to any full size Bronco owners who may not participate on the bigbroncos mailing list. The requirements for joining this webring are that you have a full size Ford Bronco. If you are in a 4x4 club and the club has a full size bronco, then you can also enter your club's website into the webring.


To join the bigbroncos webring, please sign up.


To edit your webring entry (to change url, description, or any other information), please log in.


Contact Eric.


You will need to add this to the bottom of your index html page or the body page if you use frames. Simply copy and paste into your html document.

NOTE: The "id=YOUR_ID_HERE" should be the id you receive when you join the webring. Replace the "YOUR_ID_HERE" with the id number you received. Don't worry, if this seems confusing, just ask for help, Eric will make it all better

<img src="" border=0 usemap="#broncowebringmap">

<map name="broncowebringmap">

<area shape=rect coords="1,3,252,27" href="" target="new_window">
<area shape=rect coords="21,54,125,68" href=";id=YOUR_ID_HERE;prev5" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="22,71,80,86" href=";id=YOUR_ID_HERE;prev" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="21,91,53,104" href=";id=YOUR_ID_HERE;next" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="144,90,224,105" href=";id=YOUR_ID_HERE;next5" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="146,108,229,123" href=";random" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="145,126,206,141" href=";list" target="_top">
<area shape=rect coords="20,126,49,141" href="" target="_top">


This above html should display something similar to the following: