
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New Member---1988 Ford Bronc II owner/ Hello with a Question
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Jim Reese
• Irmo, SC, USA
• Registered on 3/22/2004
• 3 posts
Posted:3/22/2004 01:10
Jim Reese
• Irmo, SC, USA
• Registered on 3/22/2004
• 3 posts
Posted:3/22/2004 01:20
It seems the first attempt to post did not make the board.
I am a retired trooper here in SC. To stay busy I now drive super stretch limo`s with CMI Limousine out of Gaston SC. (Ford Excursions up to 42 feet in length)
My situation is this!!!!!! I own a great little Ford Bronco 2.9 liter V-6, five speed, two wheel drive.
The front support bracket for the power steering pump has broken. A large section just broke off and knocked off two belts in the process. The Ford Company does not have ANY ,anywhere in their inventory. A salvage yard is the next stop unless I can find someone with knowledge of the where abouts of one of these little rasckals. The part was 39.50 orginally as of last week from Ford. If anyone has knowledge of the whereabouts of one of these fine items please feel free to e-mail me at or .
Fly high and be safe out there,
Flash69 Salyers
• Southwest, VA, USA
• Registered on 3/29/2004
• 2 posts
Posted:4/2/2004 19:59
Hey Jim if you havnt already found the part for your steering check with jamesduff .com
Jim Reese
• Irmo, SC, USA
• Registered on 3/22/2004
• 3 posts
Posted:4/5/2004 00:49
Thank you Flash for the the reply. I will make note of the name you provided for all future issues. I finally found one 45 miles north of me in a salvage yard, It was pulled off for me and cost only 20.00.
Thanks again,
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New Member---1988 Ford Bronc II owner/ Hello with a Question
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 4   |   Total Views: 528
You must be logged in to post in or subscribe to this thread.Pages: 1

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