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Fred Willson
1983 Ford Bronco
3G Alternator Upgrade
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Hits: 1482
Size: 54.48 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
This is the 140 Amp 1G I had previously installed.
Hits: 1550
Size: 81.83 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
The 1Gs wiring mess
Hits: 1443
Size: 65.21 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
This is the long ear version of the 3G alternator. It was originally installed in a Lincoln Mark V...
Hits: 1362
Size: 56.42 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
First and only snag in the project was the old mounting bracket.
Hits: 1293
Size: 54.01 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
As you can see the bracket doesn't fit behind the Alternator ear because of that offset in it..
Hits: 1424
Size: 58.68 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
Here is a comparison of the ear thickness. The 3G on the left is a short ear version. The one I in...
Hits: 1172
Size: 65.9 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
I used my vice and a hammer to remove the 1/4 inch offset and then made certain the whole thing was ...
Hits: 1181
Size: 50.66 KB
Posted: 12/25/05
Bracket now fits just fine.
Hits: 1421
Size: 49.75 KB
Posted: 12/24/05
I purchased some real nice precut cables with lugs already installed on them but had to file down t...
Hits: 1133
Size: 81.54 KB
Posted: 9/20/08
Hits: 1090
Size: 83.58 KB
Posted: 9/20/08
Installed 2
Hits: 1728
Size: 72.62 KB
Posted: 9/19/08
3G hooked up with 175 amp Megafuse
Hits: 424
Size: 25.85 KB
Posted: 8/25/16
Hits: 480
Size: 69.41 KB
Posted: 8/25/16
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