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1983 Ford Bronco
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Hits: 51007
Size: 43.19 KB
Posted: 7/26/03
Because I was sick of fighting the speedo cable & plastic gears, and since I had already swapped in ...
Hits: 33716
Size: 44.57 KB
Posted: 7/26/03
This shows most of the modifications I had to make to put the new gauges into the old cluster, and t...
Hits: 7937
Size: 80.42 KB
Posted: 7/17/03
This is while I was running up miles on a '96 PSOM using a computer-generated (GoldWave) tone coming...
Hits: 11667
Size: 95.52 KB
Posted: 7/17/03
PSOM '92 Note the empty pads in the lower R corner where the DIP switches would be if this was a di...
Hits: 8990
Size: 65.97 KB
Posted: 10/3/08
Ford warns about leaving a PSOM face-down causing some discoloration, and this is an example of that...
Hits: 1201
Size: 60.96 KB
Posted: 3/13/21
PSOM Disassembly & Cleaning [url=https://modulemechanics.com/product/f4uf-10d922-ba-replacement-lcd...
Hits: 10918
Size: 48.98 KB
Posted: 3/21/07
Odometer Display Self-Test 1 - Press and hold the reset button on the front of the speedometer whi...
Hits: 11084
Size: 61.85 KB
Posted: 9/23/08
PSOM C252 For more info, read the PREVious/NEXT several pages. CHECK SPEED INPUT SIGNAL NOTE: Onl...
Hits: 19069
Size: 54.89 KB
Posted: 11/25/03
PSOM diagram for '96 Bronco. '93-95 Bronco similar. http://www.revbase.com/BBBMotor/Wd CHECK SPEED...
Hits: 14150
Size: 69.82 KB
Posted: 11/25/03
PSOM for '96 pickups. '92-95 similar. http://www.revbase.com/BBBMotor/Wd [url=https://www.supermo...
Hits: 15714
Size: 56.15 KB
Posted: 1/14/05
VSS 93-96 Bronco http://www.revbase.com/BBBMotor/Wd CHECK SPEED INPUT SIGNAL NOTE: Only wiring ha...
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