2485 hits | 61.32 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

As many of us FSB owners know the oil pan has a tendency to rust out, and what a wonderful thing bec...
2225 hits | 44.79 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

This is the stock pan, notice the rust bubbles, they are way worse on the other side, I just couldn’...
2279 hits | 64.44 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Step 1: Drain oil and you can see the oil on my front axle from the filter.
2260 hits | 53.58 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Next I removed the fan from the clutch so it would not hit the shroud or radiator when I moved the e...
2161 hits | 54.21 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

The, with lots of heat I removed t he nuts holding the crossover pipes on the exhaust manifolds.
2153 hits | 51.88 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

This one took the whole stud out, well poo. The nuts were 2 different sizes, a 15mm and 16mm. I th...
2210 hits | 56.25 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Then I unbolted the motor mounts from below, that was easy as pie.
2391 hits | 74.05 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Now that the engine mounts are un-bolted I can jack up the engine, make sure to use a piece of wood ...
2348 hits | 57.83 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Jacked it up until the upper intake hit the fire wall.
2308 hits | 53.14 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Next I jammed a piece of wood between the motor mounts and the cross member, I had to “custom” make ...
2292 hits | 63.18 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

With the engine jacked up you can un-bolt the oil pan, and the oil pump. The oil pump has two bolts...
2187 hits | 45.89 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Too get the pan out I had to disconnect my exhaust where the muffler meets the cat, not hard since I...
2110 hits | 39.44 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

I also had to remove the muffler from its hangers.
2274 hits | 45.17 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

I also have to remove the inspection plate on the tranny, yes it was that close, but by disconnectin...
2439 hits | 77.75 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

With the pan off you can inspect the bottom end of the motor, everything looked ship shape to me. Y...
2197 hits | 61.62 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

The pump and the pick-up will still be attached when the pan come off, I thought it was easier to do...
2103 hits | 56.2 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

The old pump on the left and the new one on the right. I decided to get a Melling high flow pump to...
1982 hits | 72.46 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Bolted the pick-up to the new pump, the little rod sticking out of the pump is the drive shaft for i...
1828 hits | 72.46 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Bolted the pick-up to the new pump, the little rod sticking out of the pump is the drive shaft for i...
2064 hits | 52.07 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

I set it all in the pan and ran the pump backwards by hand to prime it, don’t want to start up dry.
2202 hits | 46.83 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

With the pump and pick-up in the pan, along with the gasket set in place throw it back up in place, ...
2036 hits | 39.64 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

Now you have to bolt in the oil pump and pick-up. Easier said than done, because the oil pump was h...
2026 hits | 70.87 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

All bolted in, looks good. Now all left to do is reconnect everything and test run it. I ran it fo...
2065 hits | 67.86 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

I have never been dirtier in my life, not to mention really sore the next day.
1743 hits | 50.7 KB | Posted: 10/26/04

With a sticker on the inside of the hood, I mark the project off my list.

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