1704 hits | 60.37 KB | Posted: 3/17/04
New Heads, Shiny OOHHH AAHHHH!
heads,cam,jacobs ign.JPG
932 hits | 48.46 KB | Posted: 3/17/04
Heads, cam and Jacobs Ignition system
thermactor plugs.JPG
946 hits | 47.81 KB | Posted: 3/17/04
Thermactor plugs, need them on the front and back of these heads
thermactor plug closeup.JPG
1024 hits | 45.19 KB | Posted: 3/17/04
Here's a closeup of the thermactor plugs
886 hits | 52.75 KB | Posted: 3/17/04
Edelbrock Truck EFI cam, 116 degrees lobe separation
734 hits | 71.74 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
3 fresh coats of por-15 engine enamel
799 hits | 72.92 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Cam thrust plate stock, needs to be modified to clear torrington bearing on timing gear.
759 hits | 57.38 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
thrust plate bolt head interfering with timing gear.
742 hits | 51.53 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Cam thrust plate with holes countersunk(with new and old style bolts).
725 hits | 87.83 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
installed after mod
642 hits | 57.1 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
thrust plate side view after mod.
691 hits | 75.34 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
697 hits | 73.6 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
After removing fan, shroud, air box, washer fluid and coolant resevoirs and bracket.
751 hits | 66.71 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
engine coming out
729 hits | 71.6 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
All the new goodies
707 hits | 61.15 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Lightning computer
666 hits | 66.17 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Valve covers with the 351 emblems that I'm putting on them.
657 hits | 60.81 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
VC mounting surface is a solid 3/8" all the way around, shouldn't have to worry about it bending or ...
648 hits | 71.07 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
new 200 amp 3G alt, new water pump, roller timing chain and dist. one dist is the one that came wit...
678 hits | 67.39 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Header label plate
665 hits | 66.14 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
3/8" thick header flanges
660 hits | 72.27 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
EGR tube(I'll be capping off), egr goes through intake on the Edelbrock Performer I'm using.
679 hits | 65.12 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Empty hole where engine use to be.
661 hits | 84.79 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Driver's side fender well
688 hits | 81.81 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Pass side fender well
669 hits | 51 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Scorpion roller rockers, very beefy.
643 hits | 73.79 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
ARP main bolts, exchanging for stud kit (bolt kit has no way to bolt up the oil pump p/u screen).
715 hits | 65.13 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Assembled short block
662 hits | 54.92 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
TRW forged pistons
632 hits | 78.66 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Yup it's a 351
626 hits | 47.35 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Had to drill out the head bolt holes to 1/2". Only about the top 1/2" of the hole had to be drilled...
759 hits | 70.56 KB | Posted: 1/30/05
Now I gotta paint the timing chain cover and the water pump.
670 hits | 83.08 KB | Posted: 1/31/05
654 hits | 83.88 KB | Posted: 1/31/05
693 hits | 79.65 KB | Posted: 1/31/05
752 hits | 55.9 KB | Posted: 1/31/05
831 hits | 37.19 KB | Posted: 2/4/05
993 hits | 62.84 KB | Posted: 2/4/05
830 hits | 62.27 KB | Posted: 2/4/05
765 hits | 62.99 KB | Posted: 2/4/05
755 hits | 73.73 KB | Posted: 2/4/05
water pump mod.JPG
723 hits | 48.98 KB | Posted: 2/9/05
ARP main studs.JPG
694 hits | 44.89 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
main studs.JPG
724 hits | 70.36 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
pickup tube stud.JPG
669 hits | 53.18 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Where oil pump pick up tube mounts to main stud
lower half complete1.JPG
733 hits | 58.8 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Bottom end
oil pump shafts.JPG
681 hits | 36.29 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Look at the difference between the stock oil pump drive shaft and the ARP one.
head gasket.JPG
735 hits | 34.23 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
This is the Fel-pro head gasket recommended by the parts store AND Trick Flow
1 piece oil pan gasket.JPG
739 hits | 62.26 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
One peice oil pan gasket, no rtv gotta love it.
Timing chain.JPG
807 hits | 52.98 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Double Roller timing chain installed
almost complete.JPG
791 hits | 57.35 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Almost done
almost complete1.JPG
737 hits | 57.02 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
almost complete2.JPG
737 hits | 55.1 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
smog passage.JPG
714 hits | 39.54 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Smog passage
smog passage plugged.JPG
718 hits | 46.01 KB | Posted: 2/21/05
Smog passage with plug installed
ready to paint.JPG
709 hits | 62.54 KB | Posted: 2/23/05
Cleaned up, ready to paint
ready to paint1.JPG
668 hits | 63.18 KB | Posted: 2/23/05
ready to paint2.JPG
693 hits | 67.33 KB | Posted: 2/23/05
eng comp painted.JPG
698 hits | 67.44 KB | Posted: 3/16/05
eng comp painted2.JPG
650 hits | 59.97 KB | Posted: 3/16/05
eng comp painted1.JPG
649 hits | 60.27 KB | Posted: 3/16/05
valve lash adj.JPG
687 hits | 76.68 KB | Posted: 3/16/05
valve lash adj1.JPG
661 hits | 70.86 KB | Posted: 3/16/05
685 hits | 74.91 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
Intake gasket installed, no cork gaskets just a thick bead of RTV.
761 hits | 52.38 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
My son torquing the intake manifold.
727 hits | 58.7 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
Engine on the cherry picker ready to go in (FINALLY)
769 hits | 60.05 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
738 hits | 70.03 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
Goin in.
707 hits | 67.78 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
Bolted in place, ready to start bolting on all the little stuff.
717 hits | 77.55 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
712 hits | 72.35 KB | Posted: 3/26/05
charcoal canister bracket.jpg
755 hits | 58.11 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
Bracket to relocate charcoal canister under pass side headlight and reinforce rusted metal where the...
charcoal canister installed.jpg
2320 hits | 50.66 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
Charcoal canister in it's new home.
Crank pulley spacers.jpg
754 hits | 67.19 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
Spacer for crank pulley to line it up with the rest of the pulleys. 5 washers, looking into having ...
Crank pulley spacers2.jpg
711 hits | 52.11 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
close up of washers, 3/8". These are necessary because the fluid damper I got it 3/8" shorter than ...
Fluid damper.jpg
707 hits | 52.55 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
Crank pulley installed with washers.
Almost done.jpg
811 hits | 84.67 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
Almost there, only a few more things to bolt on.
Almost done1.jpg
759 hits | 78.93 KB | Posted: 4/7/05
All done.JPG
774 hits | 82.83 KB | Posted: 4/10/05
All done, ready to start.
New Dizzy.JPG
772 hits | 45.4 KB | Posted: 4/10/05
New Motorcraft Dizzy.
Priming engine.JPG
1013 hits | 79.34 KB | Posted: 4/10/05
Priming engine for the last time before initial startup.
Pass side fender well.JPG
815 hits | 80.92 KB | Posted: 4/10/05
Jacobs ignition control box and other surrounding stuff.
Jacobs Ultra coil.JPG
1701 hits | 60.14 KB | Posted: 4/10/05
Jacobs Ultra coil.
Movie running1.MPG
1356 hits | 3.62 MB | Posted: 4/10/05
756 hits | 51.06 KB | Posted: 5/5/05
Fuild damper with 5/8" spacer from March performance pulleys. The fluid damper is 5/8" shorter then...
740 hits | 37.04 KB | Posted: 5/5/05
Spacer installed, you can see why the serpentine belt won't line up w/o this spacer.