4x4-vacuum-line.jpg | Hits: 10525 | Size: 65.81 KB | Posted on: 2/7/05 | Link to this image
The red arrow indicates where the stock, rubber vacuum lines connect. The ends of mine were brittle so I trimmed them at about 130,000 miles.
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yellow-hub-seal.jpg | Hits: 7812 | Size: 50.68 KB | Posted on: 2/7/05 | Link to this image
This is the yellow o-ring that seals the hub. Replacement is easy, it simply fits around the outside of the hub. These are known for going bad and causing vacuum leaks in the automatic 4x4 SuperDuty/Excursion hubs.
2-part video that shows a loose lower ball joint installed and removed.
Part 1 of the video shows pulling/pushing on the steering knuckle and illustrates how a worn/loose ball joint moves in place. When a ball joint is worn out, steering is affected because the wheels cannot maintain a straight line with the balljoint unable to stay in a set position.
Part 2 shows the old ball joint removed and how it can be moved by hand. A new ball joint is then shown in comparison and is much more firm and behaves like a ball joint should.
Using the ball joint press and air tools, install the new ball joints. This process is fairly straight forward -- video of the top ball joint is shown but the process is repeated for both.