Body Mounts for 1994 Bronco ('80-96 similar; F-series cab mounts similar)
The rear 3 Bronco mounts (including upper steel shells) are 3.25"OD x 1.375"H(uppers - space between frame & body).
The front 2 Bronco mounts are 1.25"H.
The rear bolts (view V) are 7/16"x14(NC) 6.5" long threaded 2.5" with a 5/8" head with large integral washer.
The 6 identical bolts are 7/16"x14(NC) 3.75" long threaded 2.5" with a 5/8" head with small integral washer.
The front bolts (view Z) are M12x1.75 100mm FULLY THREADED w/15mm head & small integral washer.
Despite the warning in this diagram (which was created in the early 80s), modern silicone grease is safe to use on vulcanized rubber mounts, and recommended with polyurethane.
Note that the necked portion of the upper sleeve (part of the upper absorber) is designed to lock onto the lower sleeve (flared assembly nut) to hold the rubber in place on the frame on the assembly line. But it funnels dirt & water in around the 2 parts & the bolt threads, usually rust-welding them together. So the longer they're soaked with penetrating oil before disassembly, the more likely they are to come apart.
Once the bolt is backed out a few turns, spray more penetrant down into the upper sleeve to rinse the rust off the threads, and use a hammer & drift on the bolt head to separate the sleeves.
The core support mount (views U & Z) is different, and the bolt threads into it from below. It's very difficult to separate them because the bolt usually rusts to the upper shell. They sometimes have to be cut apart and replaced, but the first link below shows how to unscrew them.
See also: