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shell02.jpg My method to remove the shell is to stand (knees bent) in the bed facing the t/g bent at the waist with my shoulders a few inches from the rear edge of the shell.  I then lift the shell off the bedrails with my legs, spin 180 degrees in place, step to the driver's side to clear the spare tire, then step backward off the t/g onto a sturdy box so the shell straddles the driver's bedrail.  Once on the ground, as I stand up straight, I allow the shell to slide down until its rear edge rests on my shoulders.  Holding the bottom rear corners allows full control while walking to where I can lean it against a wall or fence.

shell02.jpg | Hits: 5990 | Posted on: 6/13/09 | View original size (636.1 KB)

My method to remove the shell is to stand (knees bent) in the bed facing the t/g bent at the waist with my shoulders a few inches from the rear edge of the shell. I then lift the shell off the bedrails with my legs, spin 180 degrees in place, step to the driver's side to clear the spare tire, then step backward off the t/g onto a sturdy box so the shell straddles the driver's bedrail. Once on the ground, as I stand up straight, I allow the shell to slide down until its rear edge rests on my shoulders. Holding the bottom rear corners allows full control while walking to where I can lean it against a wall or fence.