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23side.jpg 4.9L Side Cover Gasket

The grommets & cork had collapsed & hardened so badly that the bolts were finger-tight.  I installed the FelPro gasket/grommet set [url=]PS13809R[/url] (R for rubber) using RightStuff to hold everything on the cover.  This is only the second gasket I've had to replace since installing the UNrebuilt junkyard engine about 14 years ago.  The pan got a silicone gasket about 7 years ago.  I estimate the engine has over 600Kmi at this point, but my frequent speedometer/odometer changes make it impossible to be sure.

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[url=][img][/img][/url] . [url=][img][/img][/url]
23side.jpg | Hits: 5738 | Posted on: 10/29/12 | View original size (869.67 KB)

4.9L Side Cover Gasket

The grommets & cork had collapsed & hardened so badly that the bolts were finger-tight. I installed the FelPro gasket/grommet set PS13809R (R for rubber) using RightStuff to hold everything on the cover. This is only the second gasket I've had to replace since installing the UNrebuilt junkyard engine about 14 years ago. The pan got a silicone gasket about 7 years ago. I estimate the engine has over 600Kmi at this point, but my frequent speedometer/odometer changes make it impossible to be sure.

See also:
