1978 Ford Bronco
Owner: Brian Bruzewski         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Parkton, NC, U.S.A.        (Other registries in NC)
Year, Make, & Model: 1978 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Clubs: FullSizeBronco.com        (Other vehicles in this club)
Engine: 351M, Holley Truck Avenger carb, Edelbrock performer intake
Drivetrain: T18 tranny, Offroad design Doubler with Ford 203 / Chevy 205 Transfer w/ twin stick, Chevy D60 front 35 spl locked w/4:56 gears, Dodge D70 rear welded w/4:56 gears and disc brakes, High Angle Driveline 1350 CV driveshafts w/.120 wall tube and 1410 joints, High Angle Driveline Parking brake,
Notes: hyd assist steering, soft top, 42" TSL's, HS9500i warn winch w/ rope, dual optima's, F350 master cyl and booster, full roll cage, ARB compressor, Rear Shackle flip, 4" softride rear springs, Old radius arm traction bar, custom extended radius arms w/RE joints, 6" Deaver Superflex coils, Narrowed front and rear, lots of other stuff
Last Updated: 10/2/2011
Hits: 80722
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder bronco11008,80807/4/042/15/08
folder track bar2002,60507/5/0410/20/04
folder doubler150010,84707/11/0410/20/04
folder soft top6003,42007/11/044/16/07
folder traction bar3005,042010/20/0410/20/04
folder ram assist7005,337010/20/0410/20/04
folder Dana 60 front / Dana 70 rear360019,812010/20/044/16/07
folder spare tire carrier9004,739010/20/0411/30/09
folder roll cage250023,367010/20/046/24/07
folder Uhwarrie 11/0415006,730012/14/0412/14/04
folder Rattle can paint job2002,33004/25/055/20/05
folder shackle flip4002,58905/20/055/20/05
folder super flex coils10061105/20/055/20/05
folder Uhwarrie Jun 055002,36906/13/056/14/05
folder Uwharrie 18 June 05270011,67106/28/056/29/05
folder Narrow front230011,79307/5/067/5/06
folder Radius arms6004,413010/7/0610/7/06
folder Moved spare tire200848010/7/0610/7/06
folder Uwharrie Oct 0617006,608011/1/0611/1/06
folder Uhwarrie 12/06360014,249012/4/0612/4/06
folder 35 spline stub shafts4001,71201/3/071/3/07
folder narrow rear380015,73301/3/072/5/07
folder Misc bronco pics840030,49001/4/0711/17/10
folder Rock sliders7004,11701/16/071/16/07
folder homemade snorkel5003,13701/29/076/24/07
folder dogs9003,16002/18/0711/30/09
folder Seat belts20077803/27/073/27/07
folder 3G Alternator6001,28704/16/074/16/07
folder Tellico 4/07620023,21605/1/075/1/07
folder Uwharrie 23 Jun 07350013,68606/24/076/24/07
folder FOM banner10041107/10/077/10/07
folder broncomania9004,17707/14/077/14/07
folder 96 Gulfstream10039007/14/077/14/07
folder Tellico 7/07450016,21607/30/077/30/07
folder S104001,73709/21/079/21/07
folder 78 F350 crew cab1100059,427010/8/076/20/11
folder Dash and front sliders740023,153012/15/072/15/08
folder lower coil mounts14005,33905/17/085/17/08
folder Uwharrie 30 Aug 08400014,66708/30/088/30/08
folder Gulches Sep 08920029,81009/22/089/22/08
folder Steering and Diff cover5002,156010/23/0810/27/08
folder motorcycle8002,92103/7/1011/20/10
folder 78 F100 Ranger15008,60507/3/106/20/11
folder parts for sale440016,070011/19/1010/2/11
Newest Media Files
425 hits | 89.22 KB | Posted: 10/2/11

parts 005.JPG
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parts 004.JPG
577 hits | 100.87 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

F100 003.JPG
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F100 002.JPG
1183 hits | 107.84 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

parts 008.JPG
594 hits | 87.53 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

parts 007.JPG
539 hits | 98.9 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

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584 hits | 103.88 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

parts 005.JPG
544 hits | 104.1 KB | Posted: 6/20/11

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old radius arm and adj. track bar
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blazer cage turned around w/extra tubes
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78 F350 001.JPG
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1775 hits | 82.93 KB | Posted: 7/7/04

track bar / hyd assist bracket
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1685 hits | 85.29 KB | Posted: 7/5/04

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