3736 hits | 75.22 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

I got lucky and found the last of the part number on the vaccum diagram sheet. the rest of the sheet...
charcole can.jpg
1038 hits | 109.66 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

My charcole can mount was broken so i went to the junk yard and got a new one here it is as i brough...
bronco smog.jpg
859 hits | 86.54 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here it is after some cleanup. this is the back side and you can see there is a tab at the bottom th...
783 hits | 87.3 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here is the front side of the can. it is ready to go in. this connects to the vaper recovery line in...
new oil cap.jpg
957 hits | 120.94 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

good think i know a person in the smog business. i failed inspection due to the oil cap being wrong....
917 hits | 127.28 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

I failed for a few reasons this truck is in smog confusion centrail. it is a fed 48 truck and someon...
smog failed bad egr.jpg
808 hits | 106.55 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Ok on the next trip i found the EGR valve was junk and needed to be replaced. here is the old bad va...
852 hits | 116 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

another view of the EGR ready to come out
743 hits | 117.17 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

here is the bad EGR almost ready to come out.
784 hits | 119.97 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here is the new EGR installed. i had to use the correct washer in the system. different calibrations...
EGR WOT loop.jpg
697 hits | 67.77 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

i got luckey and found a FED 48 truck in the junk yard. i was missing the WOT system and the EGR tub...
vacc advance loop.jpg
716 hits | 48.99 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here is the Vac advance system a fast cleanup and it will be installed.
WOT circuit.jpg
744 hits | 52.98 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

This is the WOT (wide open throddle) system. I did not have this on the bronco. this was another jun...
WOT bracket.jpg
651 hits | 30.41 KB | Posted: 11/6/06

Here is the WOT mount after being cleaned up and painted.
EGR loop ready to install.jpg
687 hits | 52.08 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

here is the EGR system loop (there is the cruse control cut out switch in the upper right but that i...
failed smog bad vacc tree.jpg
724 hits | 89.53 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Ok the next failure was this temp vac tree. so i have to replace it now.
640 hits | 97.8 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here is the new 4 port tree installed.
694 hits | 106.94 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Ok next failed reason was this is a FED 48 truck so it does not require an O2 sensor so i need to di...
EGR hose.jpg
735 hits | 83.53 KB | Posted: 12/28/06

here is the new EGR and WOT lines installed
cat hollow.jpg
700 hits | 112.37 KB | Posted: 11/6/06

Here is one reason it failed. the PO hollowed out the cat.
new cat4.jpg
678 hits | 71.36 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

OK the next failure reason the cat was not working correctly. (i found out the PO beat out all the c...
667 hits | 65.1 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

here is a side view of the new cat.
new cat2.jpg
737 hits | 69.85 KB | Posted: 11/6/06

you can see the catalyst in the cat with this pic.
697 hits | 112.98 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

This is the heat stove. it is needed for the warm up in the smog system. mine was in ok shape but si...
711 hits | 98.82 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

hee is a diferent view of the warm up stove.
723 hits | 102.17 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

Here is the warm up stove all painted and reinstalled. looks good.
1326 hits | 83.73 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

I had a hard time timing this beast. there are timing markes on both sides of the motor. this is the...
818 hits | 95.71 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

to make things easier to time ford ran the maroks on the driver side up the timing coveryou can see ...
777 hits | 96.58 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

after yanking out my hair and my mind i did find the driver side was the side to time off of, but th...
769 hits | 82.24 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

here is the hail line i used a paint pen to make it easier to see when timing the truck.
819 hits | 95.43 KB | Posted: 10/31/06

here was one issue i had the notch did not line up with the pass side marks. i then found these mark...

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