accessory switches wired up.JPG 323 hits | 141.93 KB | Posted: 8/1/06 switches wired up...big 1 is for winch in and out (via relays) and fed power from winch power isolat...
homemade gauge wiring harness complete.JPG 1138 hits | 134.45 KB | Posted: 8/1/06 my homemade gauge and switch wiring circuit via each switch and gauge...white circui...
minimal wiring along chassis.JPG 333 hits | 127.31 KB | Posted: 8/1/06 very minimal wiring to front of running through convoluted tubing to keep it hidden and ...
new fuse block mounted.JPG 249 hits | 148.23 KB | Posted: 8/2/06 The 'Its A Snap' fuse block mounted on flat metal beside steering column....srcrewed thru the base o...
new harness into engine bay.JPG 267 hits | 110.37 KB | Posted: 8/2/06 nice neat harness into engine bay inside grommets in firewall yet...compressor for air ...
rear of truck wiring down sill.JPG 251 hits | 128.08 KB | Posted: 8/2/06 wiring for rear of truck (back-up lights, brake lights, taillights and RR turnsignal) will run under...
turnhazard flashers & gauge wiring.JPG 258 hits | 122.15 KB | Posted: 8/2/06 turn and hazard flashers bracket mounted in new spot on vertical sheet metal to side of
engine bay electrical conduits.JPG 247 hits | 136.77 KB | Posted: 8/13/06 all engine bay wiring now in convoluted tubing for wear, heat and weather/fluids resistance, and of ...
4-way fuse holder.JPG 238 hits | 119.84 KB | Posted: 8/13/06 setup accessory power feed to relays via a 4-way fuse holder fed straight from battery(+)...carefull...
the two 4-way fuse holders.JPG 221 hits | 138.99 KB | Posted: 8/13/06 here are the two 4-way fuse holders needed for my 6 circuits/relays I am running extra....note the n...
relays and fuse holders wired up.JPG 222 hits | 131.39 KB | Posted: 8/13/06 here are the first two of six relays mounted and wired (all but earth wire) and the other wires read...