1978 Ford Bronco
Owner: 1978mudweiser         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Colorado Springs, CO, U.S.A.        (Other registries in CO)
Year, Make, & Model: 1978 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Clubs: 2 Big Broncos Rocky Mountain        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: mudweiser
Engine: Ford 5.0
Drivetrain: NP 203/205 doubler with a c6 or AOD trans not sure yet. I have a 14 bolt rear doing the disc conversion and arb lockers. I am currently looking for a Dana 60 for the front.
Notes: I am going to use the frame as a base for my tube rig. I will be doing a 4-link rear suspension and a 3-link front suspension with fox 2.0 air shocks all around.
Last Updated: 4/11/2007
Hits: 8631
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder tear down7006,69002/26/072/26/07
folder Frame build up10009,45602/26/072/26/07
folder np203 teardown10007,62804/11/074/11/07
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771 hits | 49.87 KB | Posted: 4/11/07

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engine (2).JPG
1087 hits | 91.51 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

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1079 hits | 69.95 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

transmission mount.JPG
1027 hits | 57.34 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

dirty frame.JPG
999 hits | 84.89 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

body removed (1).JPG
986 hits | 67.68 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

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944 hits | 81.21 KB | Posted: 2/26/07

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