1979 Ford Bronco
Owner: gofazt2         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Columbus, IN, U.S.A.        (Other registries in IN)
Year, Make, & Model: 1979 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Nickname: Big Beastie
Mileage: 80
Engine: Stock 400 with Edelbrock intake, Holley Truck Avenger, Mallory HEI Distributor, Dual electric fans.
Drivetrain: C6, 205, D44, 9in, 39.5 Iroks, 4.88 gears, Spool front and rear, Moly front axle shafts, Saginaw P/S
Last Updated: 4/3/2013
Hits: 1976
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Bronco Pics13005,06504/16/0811/23/10
    folder Red Bird30057504/3/134/3/13
Newest Media Files
Chads Bronco.jpg
225 hits | 51.23 KB | Posted: 4/3/13

Redbird - Powerline
171 hits | 85.59 KB | Posted: 4/3/13

and I failed
179 hits | 59.91 KB | Posted: 4/3/13

They dared me to try...
Silver Lake 2009 012.jpg
386 hits | 55.48 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6280110 Bronco on Trailer Home.JPG
410 hits | 98.05 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6280095 Bronco Sitting at SL.JPG
389 hits | 65.87 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6280091 Bronco Climbing Hill.JPG
418 hits | 98.67 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6260033 Bronco Pulling Genes Bronco.JPG
404 hits | 31.64 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6260021 Bronco Air Down.JPG
408 hits | 59.49 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

Most Viewed Files
462 hits | 70.88 KB | Posted: 4/16/08

Bronco stuck in the garage
P6280091 Bronco Climbing Hill.JPG
418 hits | 98.67 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6280110 Bronco on Trailer Home.JPG
410 hits | 98.05 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6260021 Bronco Air Down.JPG
408 hits | 59.49 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6260033 Bronco Pulling Genes Bronco.JPG
404 hits | 31.64 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

394 hits | 66.45 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

Arkansas Trip 8-09 014.jpg
390 hits | 90.17 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

P6280095 Bronco Sitting at SL.JPG
389 hits | 65.87 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

Arkansas Trip 8-09 015.jpg
387 hits | 118.35 KB | Posted: 11/23/10

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