1992 Ford Bronco
Owner: yoomooman 
From: new port richey, FL, U.S.A.        (Other registries in FL)
Year, Make, & Model: 1992 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Nickname: eddy
Mileage: 175000
Engine: 302 stock for now
Drivetrain: E4OD, BW1356, dana 44 TTB, 8.8 rear,
Notes: got for free
Last Updated: 7/8/2012
Hits: 12518
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder Bronco pix6002,10509/15/0811/1/08
    folder E4OD rebuild340030,423011/21/0811/24/08
    folder transfer case12004,543011/24/0811/24/08
    folder budget restore?880022,71503/21/098/1/11
folder misc..100234011/25/087/8/12
Newest Media Files
234 hits | 7.95 KB | Posted: 7/8/12

459 hits | 123.19 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

had to thro it together/make it road worthy for the move
bronco grill.JPG
416 hits | 109.63 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

engine bay 53.JPG
449 hits | 110.48 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

engine bay 52.JPG
440 hits | 111.82 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

engine bay 51.JPG
416 hits | 110.09 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

440 hits | 131.3 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

420 hits | 125.7 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

418 hits | 135.97 KB | Posted: 8/27/09

Most Viewed Files
2512 hits | 45.21 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

these are the S-packs(soleniod packs)

the blue is the newer 94+ upgraded pack

the other is the old style pack
1314 hits | 76.78 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

coast clutch drum
1198 hits | 81.53 KB | Posted: 11/24/08

break down of the E4OD
1171 hits | 73.96 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT remove the inner snap ring only the outer snap ring in the case should be removed......if you remove the inner snap ring the intermediate cylinder will be a b**ch to put back together
1169 hits | 102.63 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

2 E4ODs, one torn down, other ready to tear down for parts........the one torn down will be the one i rebuild since it only has burnt clutches
1064 hits | 90.18 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

ok so first we remove the soleniod pack(blue thingy) this will require a tamper proof torx driver or bit
1012 hits | 94.01 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

then you can remove the OD servo, snap ring, and cover

BE CAREFULL! it will fly out of there if you are not holding pressure on it
worm tracks.jpg
988 hits | 74.42 KB | Posted: 11/24/08

all check balls marked
934 hits | 25.74 KB | Posted: 11/21/08

typical worn tracks diagram
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