424 hits | 60.26 KB | Posted: 7/7/14

Harbor Freight had one of their 25% off coupons for the 4th, so I picked up a Badlands 9K winch for ...
436 hits | 66.58 KB | Posted: 7/7/14

This is not Warn, nor does it pretend to be. However, this should be more than enough winch for my o...
832 hits | 74.02 KB | Posted: 7/9/14

The wires on the solenoid do not match what is in the diagram. Just make sure that the long red wire...
465 hits | 57.33 KB | Posted: 7/9/14

609 hits | 57.18 KB | Posted: 8/18/14

Universal winch mount from Harbor Freight...maybe universal for a Jeep, but not for the Bronco...Aft...
472 hits | 59.2 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

Cut the universal mount down..this will go between the frame horns..it's going to be tight..
459 hits | 52.22 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

fit is going to be tight, so the bumper itself will need to be trimmed to accommodate the winch leve...
867 hits | 58.86 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

Didn't have the time, so rather than doing it myself, I paid a shop to weld up the mount to the fram...
543 hits | 56.35 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

515 hits | 59.61 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

Side shot.
504 hits | 62.78 KB | Posted: 9/3/14

Everything mounted back up. I'm guessing the original TJM fairleads used 4 bolts..this one only uses...
457 hits | 89.52 KB | Posted: 9/5/14

Here is the solenoid wired up..I did use the factory mount so I had to drill holes in the case and f...
459 hits | 65.51 KB | Posted: 9/5/14

here is final product with the hook on. I'm considering buying synthetic line, but that purchase wil...
457 hits | 60.47 KB | Posted: 9/5/14

433 hits | 40.11 KB | Posted: 9/11/14

this is the clearance for the winch lever. It's tight, but I can still get my hand in there to turn ...
453 hits | 51.94 KB | Posted: 9/11/14

315 hits | 54.71 KB | Posted: 5/30/17

284 hits | 51.94 KB | Posted: 5/30/17

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