1985 Ford Bronco
Owner: kinneyboy6         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: LUSBY, MD, U.S.A.        (Other registries in MD)
Year, Make, & Model: 1985 Ford Bronco        (Other Ford Broncos)
Clubs: SuperFord.org        (Other vehicles in this club)
2 Big Broncos Southern        (Other vehicles in this club)
Nickname: psycho bitch
Engine: 351 is in!! loads of power!! great!!
Drivetrain: 9" rear end is now in
Notes: well slowly stuff is coming together. running over a car made the 9 in go in alot quicker. putting the 351 is has been a headache but having a good comp cam in it with little exhaust makes starting the truck an arrousing experience!!
Last Updated: 6/4/2008
Hits: 3579
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder bronco mania140011,800010/25/036/4/08
Newest Media Files
875 hits | 83.5 KB | Posted: 6/4/08

Hanging out in NY
rebuild (7).JPG
852 hits | 87.16 KB | Posted: 5/17/04

topless bronco.jpg
1190 hits | 53.87 KB | Posted: 5/17/04

engine (1).JPG
825 hits | 72.16 KB | Posted: 4/7/04

out with the old

rebuild (9).JPG
890 hits | 66.67 KB | Posted: 4/7/04


rebuild (6).JPG
799 hits | 83.2 KB | Posted: 4/7/04

double ouch.JPG
744 hits | 104.87 KB | Posted: 12/30/03

launch pad

847 hits | 73.52 KB | Posted: 12/24/03

much better

donuts anyone.JPG
913 hits | 84.31 KB | Posted: 12/24/03

silly donut

Most Viewed Files
topless bronco.jpg
1190 hits | 53.87 KB | Posted: 5/17/04

poor poor honda.JPG
941 hits | 75.41 KB | Posted: 12/24/03

my monster truck ralley
donuts anyone.JPG
913 hits | 84.31 KB | Posted: 12/24/03

silly donut

rebuild (9).JPG
890 hits | 66.67 KB | Posted: 4/7/04


875 hits | 83.5 KB | Posted: 6/4/08

Hanging out in NY
867 hits | 86.67 KB | Posted: 10/25/03

rebuild (7).JPG
852 hits | 87.16 KB | Posted: 5/17/04

847 hits | 73.52 KB | Posted: 12/24/03

much better

engine (1).JPG
825 hits | 72.16 KB | Posted: 4/7/04

out with the old

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