06.jpg901 hits | 29.42 KB | Posted: 4/24/04Install completed w/K&N sticker
05.jpg963 hits | 36.76 KB | Posted: 4/24/04New oil breather underneath air pipes
04.jpg878 hits | 36.93 KB | Posted: 4/24/04Pipe cut & painted
03.jpg896 hits | 31.37 KB | Posted: 4/24/04Measure for pipe
02.jpg911 hits | 31.68 KB | Posted: 4/24/04Top of airbox out
01.jpg795 hits | 21.51 KB | Posted: 4/24/04Filter w/cover and plastic pipe
bronc4.jpg798 hits | 20.67 KB | Posted: 4/14/04Radio finally installed after 2 years, 3/04.
bronc2.jpg808 hits | 23.42 KB | Posted: 4/14/04
bronc1.jpg774 hits | 15.8 KB | Posted: 4/14/04Senor, 3/04 freshlyl painted.