Tailgate Down I.jpg518 hits | 55.72 KB | Posted: 6/30/08Tailgate Down rearview
Tailgate Down II.jpg531 hits | 63.82 KB | Posted: 6/30/08Side view of tailgate down
Tailgate rearview.jpg415 hits | 64.74 KB | Posted: 6/30/08Tailgate Rearview
Tailgate Side View.jpg406 hits | 62.95 KB | Posted: 6/30/08Sideview of the tailgate
1 Door Jamb complete.jpg440 hits | 57.51 KB | Posted: 7/5/08Door Jamb complete
2 Rockers Complete.jpg422 hits | 43.28 KB | Posted: 7/5/08Rockers complete
3 Step in.jpg392 hits | 55.25 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
4a Window Removal I.jpg392 hits | 66.61 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
4b Window Removal.jpg387 hits | 46.38 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
4c Window hold down Nuts I.jpg441 hits | 62.65 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
5 Latch Mech I.jpg426 hits | 58.28 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
6 Tailgate Latch and runner bolts.jpg444 hits | 56.89 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
7 Window Runners.jpg434 hits | 57.15 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
8 Latch Removal.jpg448 hits | 49.75 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
9 Torsion bar bolts.jpg420 hits | 67.61 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
9a Torsion Bar hold.jpg443 hits | 71.46 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
10 Lock cyliinder Mech.jpg383 hits | 39.05 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
11 Window Key Actuator.jpg446 hits | 56.63 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
12 Tailgate Assembled.jpg521 hits | 59.09 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
13 Window Up.jpg432 hits | 67.29 KB | Posted: 7/5/08
14 New weather stripping.jpg422 hits | 44.69 KB | Posted: 7/5/08