435 hits | 58.67 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

This is the fan. Its out of a V8 T-bird. The left reservior is out of a 1989 Town Car and the righ...
368 hits | 40.62 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Distant shot with my awesome dog in it.
385 hits | 50.63 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

This shows the lower mounting of the mustang reservior. This also shows how the reservior was chang...
454 hits | 60.54 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Shows the upper mounting on the mustang reservior.
450 hits | 45.93 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

The upper mounting on the town car reservior.
382 hits | 45.08 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

The lower mounting on the towncar reservior.
Overhead of fan.jpg
409 hits | 56.42 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Fan mounted in place.
Fan Clearence.jpg
373 hits | 57.46 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

This picture shows the fan clearence.
lower radiator hose clearence.jpg
356 hits | 58.4 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Clearence with lower radiator hose.
371 hits | 60.03 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Fan removed, showing alot of hidden rust.
404 hits | 48.48 KB | Posted: 11/9/06

Rust that the stock fan/fan shroud hid. It was cleaned up and painted with POR 15.
381 hits | 67.29 KB | Posted: 12/30/06

This is the adjustable thermostat that I am using. Adjustable from 32 to 260 degrees.
Switch location.jpg
453 hits | 57.76 KB | Posted: 12/30/06

This shows the switch. The switch functions like On/Off/On Thermostat. The other switch is for OBA...
Relay mounted.jpg
348 hits | 67.47 KB | Posted: 12/30/06

This is a picture of the realy and where I mounted it.
Shows the wires all ran.jpg
389 hits | 74.33 KB | Posted: 12/30/06

This is all the wires I ran in the engine compartment.
Picture 013.jpg
327 hits | 77.92 KB | Posted: 1/2/07

This is the aftermarket window washer fluid pump. (Its the black cylinder with the white and black ...
Connections at the fan.jpg
346 hits | 50.58 KB | Posted: 12/30/06

Here are the connections I made at the fan. The black is ground and the other one is HIGH.

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