Dcp_0615.jpg313 hits | 110.97 KB | Posted: 3/21/06Baldkris taking it smoothly in a rock climbing play area.
Dcp_0613.jpg345 hits | 102.72 KB | Posted: 3/21/06Steve in one of the Landrovers preparing to punish some rocks.
Dcp_0614.jpg405 hits | 115.03 KB | Posted: 3/21/06Some more hard rock action
Dcp_0612.jpg550 hits | 102.11 KB | Posted: 3/21/06Giving the rigs a break after some rough play
scan0001.jpg598 hits | 107.19 KB | Posted: 3/23/06
scan0002.jpg373 hits | 108.09 KB | Posted: 3/23/06
scan0003.jpg331 hits | 87.47 KB | Posted: 3/23/06Kicking up some dirt.