Leroy.jpg661 hits | 58.86 KB | Posted: 8/12/05As it was when I bought it
king of the hill.jpg348 hits | 113.34 KB | Posted: 8/13/05Big Playa T
101_0235.JPG295 hits | 65.08 KB | Posted: 8/13/05my family
100_0349.JPG259 hits | 45.34 KB | Posted: 8/13/05The Future
us.jpg263 hits | 52.63 KB | Posted: 8/22/05Mimi and I at friend's wedding (6/05)
sistas.jpg291 hits | 43.83 KB | Posted: 8/22/052 on the left...NYC imports. Bride and two to her left home grown grits
paint shop pass.JPG261 hits | 41.7 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
photo shop 2.JPG240 hits | 50.56 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
502 boss hoss.jpg232 hits | 87.81 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
waste.jpg221 hits | 86.43 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
trepanier.jpg267 hits | 48.16 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
uncle's ride.jpg297 hits | 60.59 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
no fx4 rt.JPG264 hits | 41.42 KB | Posted: 2/21/06
no fx lt.JPG322 hits | 50.42 KB | Posted: 2/21/06