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image.jpeg How the metal bracket and mirror look now. The after pics definitely make this a worthwhile project. Since I had zero supplies at this house, it cost me ~$16 for paint, blue painters tape, and a sanding block, and some bolts for a window motor problem I had. The first side took me about 2 hours to take apart and get to paint because I was trying to figure out how to take apart and not break the mirror. The passenger side took all of 10 min once I knew how to do it. Painting and letting it dry took the most time.
image.jpeg | Hits: 198 | Posted on: 8/18/16 | View original size (1.73 MB)

How the metal bracket and mirror look now. The after pics definitely make this a worthwhile project. Since I had zero supplies at this house, it cost me ~$16 for paint, blue painters tape, and a sanding block, and some bolts for a window motor problem I had. The first side took me about 2 hours to take apart and get to paint because I was trying to figure out how to take apart and not break the mirror. The passenger side took all of 10 min once I knew how to do it. Painting and letting it dry took the most time.