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dscf3690--box-rear-structure-complete.jpg Full structure, as installed in the previous pics.  17.8 lbs with the lower rear structure and front mounts.  That last step is where the weight got away from me a bit.  I wanted to use 1/2" or 3/4" c-channel for the lower rear structure, but apparently you can't buy less than 1" anywhere...  The three local metal yards don't carry anything that small, and their distributor networks don't even list anything.  I had a short length left of thin c-channel over from who knows what that I cut up who knows when, that I used for the two vertical supports, so I just sort of assumed it's something you can buy.
dscf3690--box-rear-structure-complete.jpg | Hits: 139 | Posted on: 12/6/21 | View original size (280.63 KB)

Full structure, as installed in the previous pics. 17.8 lbs with the lower rear structure and front mounts. That last step is where the weight got away from me a bit. I wanted to use 1/2" or 3/4" c-channel for the lower rear structure, but apparently you can't buy less than 1" anywhere... The three local metal yards don't carry anything that small, and their distributor networks don't even list anything. I had a short length left of thin c-channel over from who knows what that I cut up who knows when, that I used for the two vertical supports, so I just sort of assumed it's something you can buy.