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mhub04.jpg First, removed the metal clip (not pictured, already removed) and with needle nose
pliers, squeeze the tabs of the locking ring together. Gently pull and the auto hub
assembly will easily come out. If the lockout is "froze"in the drum, gently tap
around the outside to free it up. It may also be helpful to re-insert some of the
cap screws to pull the assembly out with.
mhub04.jpg | Hits: 1441 | Posted on: 5/14/05 | View original size (107.92 KB)

First, removed the metal clip (not pictured, already removed) and with needle nose
pliers, squeeze the tabs of the locking ring together. Gently pull and the auto hub
assembly will easily come out. If the lockout is "froze"in the drum, gently tap
around the outside to free it up. It may also be helpful to re-insert some of the
cap screws to pull the assembly out with.