puller1.jpg | Hits: 2627 | Posted on: 8/14/11
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For most PS pump changes (using an original-style reman pump), removing the pulley is a prerequisite, and it's a nightmare using the wrong tools. This is the RIGHT kind, and the only kind I've found that works reliably. This set will remove & install most P/S pullies of most brands. It's available from most professional tool trucks, and this set's case is labelled Matco. But the identical set can be had from Snap-On, Mac, Cornwell, etc.
I've labelled the parts so I know what size wrench to use.
The bolt in the bottom center is the cheapo installer that's provided with most pumps. I only keep it to chase threads & for temporary jobs - it's risky to use it because it's so easy to break.
Note that the center of the pump shaft has been packed with mud by a wasp. That has to be washed out thoroughly before beginning. I'll install a bolt there later to prevent it from happening again.