Before the adjustment. As you can see the tire has very bad camber. I am using the 3.2* adjsutable bushings. Other sized bushings will work the same but use different letter positions for different adjsutments.
Install the bushing set at' nuetral or 0* camber 0* caster. I did this step already when i did mt 8 lug TTB swap. Nuetral for my bushings is as N/GH or N over GH (between G and H).
You may want to consider putting a large washer between the nut and the bushing. it might help protect the letters on the top of the bushing when the nut is tightened down onto them. they can get hard to read after a few installs
Take the truck to get an alignment to get the toe set correctly. this can make camber/caster look really bad. Ask for the handout of before and after or jsut the before of the alignment if they dont give it to you anyways. My tire was soo bad looking that they didnt even bother changing the camber\\\\caster and only did the toe. this is why im making this writeup.