
Ford Excursion Forums > Ford Excursion V8, V10, and Powerstroke > Powerstroke Excursions
Oil Leak and Exhaust Question
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• Parker, CO, USA
• Registered on 1/2/2009
• 11 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:1/2/2009 15:01
Hello, just joined, great info on this site! I'm a first time diesel owner. I just bought an '02 Diesel Excur with 95k miles. Before I bot it I noticed a bit of oil buildup under the main crankshaft pully (where the fan is connected). The dealership said they knew about it but it was a small leak. After sitting in my driveway for a day, I had a dimesize oil mark, which I don't consider small. Is this something to be concerned about? I have been using high mileage motor oil on my old Expedition and it's never leaked, should I try that out on the Excur?

Second question, the tailpipe was damaged, looks like someone backed into something and bent the pipe into the rear passenger wheel, which the dealship then bent back to normal. However, it seems the pipe still has a bit of a "kink" in it and I don't think it's truly round, which I'm concerned might be restricting flow. Again, is this a big deal? How would I know if it's bad enough to bother replacing the pipes?

Thanks for the review!
• bryceville, FL, USA
• Registered on 10/4/2008
• 8 posts
Posted:1/2/2009 16:11
Hello, just joined, great info on this site! I'm a first time diesel owner. I just bought an '02 Diesel Excur with 95k miles. Before I bot it I noticed a bit of oil buildup under the main crankshaft pully (where the fan is connected). The dealership said they knew about it but it was a small leak. After sitting in my driveway for a day, I had a dimesize oil mark, which I don't consider small. Is this something to be concerned about? I have been using high mileage motor oil on my old Expedition and it's never leaked, should I try that out on the Excur?

Second question, the tailpipe was damaged, looks like someone backed into something and bent the pipe into the rear passenger wheel, which the dealship then bent back to normal. However, it seems the pipe still has a bit of a "kink" in it and I don't think it's truly round, which I'm concerned might be restricting flow. Again, is this a big deal? How would I know if it's bad enough to bother replacing the pipes?

Thanks for the review!

First of all congrats on the purchase, The 7.3 is an awesome engine and will provide you will great service with out the head gasket & EGR problems of the 6.0. As to your concern of oil it is valid and should be addressed. reason is your vehicle has oil fired injectors and it is impairitive the maintance is kept up on the vehicle for this reason. A loss of or lack of oil will not allow your vehicle to start properly or if it starts it will not run well. If it were mine I would try to get the dealership to fix the leak. The only oil that you want to use in your vehicle is Diesel oil, stay away from the high mileage oils all they do is swell up the seals prolonging a needed repair. The oil varience on diesel oil you want to choose is convential oil or full synthetic oil. There are many benefits for the full synthetic over the conventionals. Lastly on the Exhaust if the damage is not to excessive I would leave it alone save up for a 4" or 5" exhaust to lower the EGT's (exhaust gas temps). I from time to time come across factory exhaust if you want to keep it orginal.
• Parker, CO, USA
• Registered on 1/2/2009
• 11 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:1/2/2009 16:41
Hey ChuckNorris, thanks for the info. Yes, I've been on the hunt for this exact year/model for about 6 months and finally snagged one. I have a family of 6 and big toys to pull in the Mountains of Colorado, so the Diesel Excursion was the only choice in my opinion. I've read nothing but positive reviews of the bullet proof 7.3 so I'm proud to own one.

I'm taking it back to the dealership on Monday to have them look at a few things and will have them check that oil leak. On the exhaust, good idea to save the bucks, I would like a nice turbo back 4" system. It's on the wish list.

Ford Excursion Forums > Ford Excursion V8, V10, and Powerstroke > Powerstroke Excursions
Oil Leak and Exhaust Question
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