
Ford Excursion Forums > Ford Excursion V8, V10, and Powerstroke > Gas Engine Excursions
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• chippewa lake, OH, USA
• Registered on 8/5/2009
• 3 posts
Posted:8/5/2009 14:34
I have a 2000 Excursion, all of the sudden the front breaks started smoking. I replaced the pads and put a rebuild kit with v-springs and new slides, this has not helped.
I was told by a local auto parts store to replace both front calipers. Is it possible both sides go out at once? I don't think that is the problem, any suggestions?
Any comments/suggestions on this problem would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
• The Big Island, HI, USA
• Registered on 1/5/2002
• 1,056 posts
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Posted:8/5/2009 23:02
Do your brakes work? Does it pull to one side? Does the smoke smell like brakes or burnt fluid?

• chippewa lake, OH, USA
• Registered on 8/5/2009
• 3 posts
Posted:8/6/2009 20:49
yes the breaks work, and it smells like burnt rubber. No it does not pull just a shaking steering wheel like the pads are stuck to the rotor. And it runs at a higher engine RPM.
One time it does this instantly and the next it is fine for a mile or so then starts.
thanks for any suggestions!
David Rush
• Greenville, SC, USA
• Registered on 4/11/2004
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Posted:9/27/2009 20:05
I guess it could be something to do with the ABS. The shaking in your steering could concievably be due to the ABS pulsing as it does when you have a hard stop.Sounds like your brakes are locking and if your rpm's go up-something is telling it to either down shift or to increase engine rpms. I would be more inclined to think electronics could be a problem. That's just shooting from the hip.. Have you used an OBD tester to see if there's a code???
edited 9/27/2009 20:07
• carson, CA, USA
• Registered on 6/23/2011
• 75 posts
Posted:6/16/2012 02:09
I have a 2000 Excursion, all of the sudden the front breaks started smoking. I replaced the pads and put a rebuild kit with v-springs and new slides, this has not helped.
I was told by a local auto parts store to replace both front calipers. Is it possible both sides go out at once? I don\\\\'t think that is the problem, any suggestions?
Any comments/suggestions on this problem would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.

hi dude what is the name of the car parts online store did you buy your parts? im planning to buy parts and i was confuse on where to buy them. please help me on this. thank you.
edited 2/1/2013 20:40
Ford Excursion Forums > Ford Excursion V8, V10, and Powerstroke > Gas Engine Excursions
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