Gila Valley 4x4 Club Forums

gila-valley-4x4-club Forums > gila-valley-4x4-club Discussion > General Discussion
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• Safford, AZ, USA
• Registered on 12/8/2004
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Posted:10/25/2005 18:12
Do we know the details for the next run yet? Let's get a discussion going as to where/when. I heard we may head to Charlou Gap near Tucson, or to a trail near Superior - Hackberry I imagine? What does everyone think? I'd like to do a run close to home in between the big runs, so let me know if you have spare time one of these weekends.

• Safford, CO, USA
• Registered on 8/3/2005
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Posted:10/25/2005 18:48
I just got home from the Copper creek run & camp out. we had a good time even though Sibleys Manson was locked off . The tree huggers (Nature Conservative) has it now. We went half way down "rug hill" and decided to return to the top before someone broke something. The hill is verry dangerous and "unforgiving" ! We took many other trails and explored old Mines. There were 7 Rigs to start. One had to leave early and Paul K, got stumg by a bee , and had to go to the hospital,in the middle of the night. But all in all,we had a great time! I took lots of pics and will post them as soon as I can figure out how ! We will have a meeting This Saturday the the manor House at 4:00 pm. We need to plan our next ride & discuss the Raffel And other business. Earl
• Safford, AZ, USA
• Registered on 12/8/2004
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Posted:10/31/2005 11:07
Sounds like it will be a cleanup this weekend, Saturday the 5th. Who's game? I should be able to make it.
• Safford, CO, USA
• Registered on 8/3/2005
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Posted:11/1/2005 18:22
There eill be a clean-up at the Gila Box on Saturday the 5th. of Nov. We will meet at the Circle K east of Safford at 8:00 am. We are going to have a cook - out . Ann & I are going to cook ribs , beans, cornbread and chocklet cake. You can bring a covered dish or chips,etc.Bring your own drinks and eatimg utencils, All are welcome to come. Please let me know by posting, how many are coming,so I can plan. Earl
edited 11/2/2005 18:50
• Safford, AZ, USA
• Registered on 12/8/2004
• 14 posts
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Posted:11/9/2005 11:13
Anyone want to run a quick trail this weekend or next? I was thinking about the P-Ranch area.... Looks like our next meeting won't be till the 19th. Earl will confirm this.
• Safford, AZ, USA
• Registered on 12/8/2004
• 14 posts
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Posted:11/21/2005 14:10
Earl, I only got a couple of pictures of our little P-Ranch trip, if you can, email me yours and I'll post them.

gila-valley-4x4-club Forums > gila-valley-4x4-club Discussion > General Discussion
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