2004 Suzuki LTZ400
Owner: chero65         (All of this user's registries on SuperMotors)
From: Okinawa, Japan        (Other registries outside the U.S)
Year, Make, & Model: 2004 Suzuki LTZ400        (Other Suzuki LTZ400s)
Nickname: Mo
Mileage: 60
Engine: stock
Drivetrain: stock
Last Updated: 9/14/2008
Hits: 12881
Folder Hits Comments Created Updated
folder pics300127,82108/17/089/14/08
Newest Media Files
1264 hits | 20.13 MB | Posted: 9/14/08

It runs!
folding trailer (4).JPG
1023 hits | 48.54 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer (3).JPG
951 hits | 56.68 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer (2).JPG
882 hits | 55.31 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer (1).JPG
1035 hits | 51.18 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer.JPG
2834 hits | 49.94 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400 (23).JPG
3271 hits | 91.21 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400 (22).JPG
1107 hits | 82.25 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400 (21).JPG
1684 hits | 94.63 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

Most Viewed Files
2004 z400 (23).JPG
3271 hits | 91.21 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer.JPG
2834 hits | 49.94 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400 (21).JPG
1684 hits | 94.63 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400.JPG
1313 hits | 97.15 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

1264 hits | 20.13 MB | Posted: 9/14/08

It runs!
2004 z400 (22).JPG
1107 hits | 82.25 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer (1).JPG
1035 hits | 51.18 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

folding trailer (4).JPG
1023 hits | 48.54 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

2004 z400 (18).JPG
1022 hits | 100.84 KB | Posted: 8/17/08

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