Ford Ranchero Club Forums Forums > Ranchero Discussion > Ranchero Classifieds
wanted parts for ranchero 78
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• saint gervasy, XX, France
• Registered on 2/5/2010
• 3 posts
Posted:2/5/2010 16:46
hi,i need a lot of parts for my ranchero 78.
headliner red or light grey
molded carpet red or light grey
front shocks gas
rear shocks to inflate or other enough strong
front drive train,ball joints upper and lower,control arm bushings,tie rod end(outer)
frond pads for disk
rear shoes for drums,with all hardware
i live in france,and prefer shipping via usps,not other shippers,because they are expensive,and at delivery,we must pay taxes(not thru usps)if you have a paypal account,that is perfect.
thanks,and hope to get these parts. Forums > Ranchero Discussion > Ranchero Classifieds
wanted parts for ranchero 78
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