Welcome to Slyd Starz of california

Drift cars and enthusiasts

Hey everyone this is a local car crew in the Sacramento and elk grove area. We are a small group of people that get together to hang out and socialize and talk about cars. We have bbq events and cruises and car meets. We are an import family but we do encourage many other types of cars and bikes. So if you’re interested in bringing out your car or bike and want to meet some new people in the area and have fun than this is the crew for you. Please send me a text or call me at anytime I would like to find more members for our car crew and would like to see your ride. You can reach me at
916 798 8431 Chad aka redneck
Or 916 283 1788 Ben aka yosh
or 916 509 6200 Austin aka lil ozzie
We have local car meets in LOWE'S parking lot on Fridays. Starts at 6pm located in ELKGROVE on Calvine and POWER INN hope to see you there bring your family and friends. Thanks for your time. Feel free to check out our new website listed below just go to your URL and type it in.

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Subject Date
About us11/8/2010 11:37
Hey yall11/4/2010 12:55
Newest Registry Entries (View more Registry Entries)
1968 Ford Ranchero

1968 Ford Ranchero
# of posted files: 12
Owner: mee5e

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