
SFO Forums > Off-Topic Forums > Testing 1, 2, 3...
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• Roy, WA, USA
• Registered on 3/9/2003
• 147 posts
3 Vehicles
Posted:4/11/2003 01:20
I am going to rambel on for a few lines to find out if I can
figure out if I can get this forum to repeat what it has done
to me in the past posts. So let me see, Is it an= sign or maybe
I hit enter too much,

there is two just for good measure, Other than that I guess I dont
do anything that would chew my posts up. well heres my post.......

Thats not dented, It's customized
edited 4/11/2003 01:23
• Roy, WA, USA
• Registered on 3/9/2003
• 147 posts
3 Vehicles
Posted:4/11/2003 01:22
I am going to rambel on for a few lines to find out if I can
figure out if I can get this forum to repeat what it has done
to me in the past posts. So let me see, Is it an= sign or maybe
I hit enter too much,

there is two just for good measure, Other than that I guess I dont
do anything that would chew my posts up. well heres my post.......

Thats not dented, It's customized
• Roy, WA, USA
• Registered on 3/9/2003
• 147 posts
3 Vehicles
Posted:4/11/2003 01:27
Well I cant get it to do it here. Its a conspiracy,
It did it in my other posts, My computer must be playin tricks with me,
I dont know why but It isn't very funny, darn computers

I'm gonna go work on my pickup and the Bronco to get ready for NW BroncoFest

Thats not dented, It's customized
Charles Hendrie  SuperMotors Administrator
• Minneapolis, MN, USA
• Registered on 8/20/2002
• 34 posts
Posted:4/18/2003 10:12
SFO Forums > Off-Topic Forums > Testing 1, 2, 3...
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 4   |   Total Views: 535
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