Disc 8.8" from '04-06 E150 with 5x5.5" lug spacing requires 16" rims
1 Rear axle identification tag (part of 4001)
2 Differential housing cover bolt 4346
3 Differential housing cover 4033
4 Differential pinion shaft lock bolt 4241
5 U-washer 4N237
6 Differential pinion thrust washer 4230
7 Differential pinion gear 4215
8 Differential pinion shaft 4211
9 Differential side gear 4236
10 Differential side gear thrust washer 4228
11 Differential bearing shim 4067
12 Differential bearing cup 4222
13 Differential bearing 4221
14 Ring gear bolt 4216
15 Differential case 4204
16 Anti-lock ring 4B409
17 Differential ring gear and pinion 4209
18 Drive pinion bearing adjustment shim 4663
19 Pinion bearing (inner) 4630
20 Axle pinion bearing cup (inner) 4628
21 Bearing cap and bolt (part of 4010)
22 Sensor bolt 391998-S100
23 Rear anti-lock brake system (RABS) sensor 9E731
24 Vent hose 4A001
25 Rear axle housing vent 4022
26 Brake junction block (part of 4022)
27 Rear axle housing 4010
28 Filler plug 390943-S100
29 Pinion bearing cup (outer) 4616
30 Drive pinion collapsible spacer 4662
31 Pinion bearing (outer) 4621
32 Rear axle drive pinion shaft oil slinger 4670
33 Rear axle drive pinion seal 4676
34 Pinion flange 4851
35 Pinion nut 389546-S100
36 Rear wheel bearing 1225
37 Wheel bearing oil seal 1177
38 Park brake assembly 2209
39 Nut W709286-S436
40 Axle shaft 4234
41 Wheel stud 1107
42 Bolt (part of 2209) W709226
43 Retainer clip (part of 4001)
44 Rear axle differential clutch shim 4A324
45 Steel plate (part of 4947)
46 Clutch disc (part of 4947)
47 Differential clutch spring 4214
48 Differential clutch pack 4947
49 Brake disc 2C026
50 Park brake backing plate (part of 2209)
51 Brake caliper bracket bolts (2 required) 2N386
52 Brake caliper (2K327 RH/ 2K328 LH) 2B121
53 Brake pad return spring (2 required) (part of 2200)
54 Brake pad clip (2 required) (part of 2200)
55 Brake pad (2 required) 2200
57 Brake caliper slide bolts (2 required) 2C588
58 Brake hose 2A478 LH/ 2A442 RH
59 385116 Caliper flow bolt
60 Copper washers (2 required) 388949
61 Park brake shoe hold-down pin (2 required)
62 Park brake shoe hold-down spring (2 required) 2068
63 Park brake shoe adjusting screw spring 2049
64 Park brake adjuster screw 2041
65 Park brake shoe retracting spring 2296
66 Parking brake lever 2A637
67 Parking brake shoe and lining 2200
The rear axle assembly has the following features:
- An integral-type housing hypoid gear design (center of the pinion set below the centerline of the ring gear).
- The hypoid ring gear and pinion consists of a ring gear and an overhung drive pinion which is supported by two opposed tapered roller bearings.
- Pinion bearing preload is maintained by a collapsible spacer on the differential pinion shaft and adjusted by the pinion nut.
- The rear axle housing consists of a cast center section with two steel tube assemblies and a stamped differential housing cover.
- The differential housing cover uses silicone sealant as a gasket.
- The differential pinion shaft is retained by a threaded differential pinion shaft lock bolt assembled to the differential case.
- The differential case is mounted in the rear axle housing between two opposing differential bearings that are retained in the rear axle housing by removable bearing caps.
- SAE 75W-90 Fuel Efficient High Performance Synthetic Rear Axle Lubricant.
- Differential bearing preload and ring gear backlash are adjusted by differential bearing shims located between the differential bearing cups and the rear axle housing.
- Rear axle identification is on an embossed metal tag bolted to the differential housing cover.
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