Brake Greases
After cleaning...


...apply a light coat of brake grease to each point of contact. DO NOT apply grease to the friction material of the pads or shoes, or to the nuts/bolts/threads.

For front brakes, these are ALL on the caliper:
- where it touches each pad
- where it slides against the steering knuckle
- any slide pins or keys & keyways.
For rear brakes, it's more complicated & precise:
- on every point that the steel frame of the shoe touches the backing plate or anything else (but NOT on the friction material or drum)
- inside the autoadjuster and in each end
- where the autoadjuster cable touches the guide
- on the e-brake lever & its pivot pin
- on the equalizer bar where the spring & guide slide
- on the pushrods inside the dust boots where they touch the slave cylinder's pistons.

The CRC grease is the only one that's NOT silicone. It can be purchased in many colors so that shops can tell if they were the last ones to work on your brakes. I buy black for personal use.
Before buying craptasmic brakes or other common parts, check for
coupons & service offers from Ford.
See also: