
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
Ford 351W Crankshaft - thought it was shot
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• Seattle, WA, USA
• Registered on 11/26/2014
• 16 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:1/15/2015 07:04
I split my cast last night (1996 351W) and thought the crank was shot. turns out, it seems like it was just the bearings that were beat up. I cleaned up the crank and measured it w/ my crppy Harbor Freight micrometer, and even though I might not necessarily get accurate measurements, they were precise. I'm thinking at this point all I need to do is buy some bearings. But I don't exactly know which to get (which undersize) because I doubt my micrometer is off. I might go to a machine shop today and ask them kindly, "please measure this!"

• Jakarta, NJ, USA
• Registered on 2/9/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:2/9/2015 23:05

You should buy the bearings of the same size persih to maintain the performance of your motorcycle

Bali Rafting Adventure | Glory Computer
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
Ford 351W Crankshaft - thought it was shot
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