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2000 ford excursion - spark plug issue
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• Peoria, AZ, USA
• Registered on 3/7/2015
• 3 posts
Posted:3/7/2015 19:54
Hello... I need some advice from excursion owners.

Our truck is a 2000 and has about 120,000 miles on it. At (approx) 105,000 mi we had to get a new transmission. The other day my husband was driving it and the front passenger spark plug blew through the cylinder (I guess a problem with excursions?). The shop recommended a 100,000 mile type tune up (since we couldn't recall having one, oops!) and replacing all the spark plugs and then putting the drop in to fix the blown one, the actual problem. All this and the hrs of labor cost just over $1100. . First question, did we get majorly ripped off by them? And 2) the mechanic mentioned that this fix was sort of a bandaid and that it could happen again at anytime to another plug. My husband now wants to sell it and buy a new vehicle but I feel like it's in good shape with a less than 2 yr old transmission... .

Any advice?
• Chandler, AZ, USA
• Registered on 3/11/2015
• 42 posts
Posted:4/19/2015 17:23
go get a second opinion from an honest mechanic , try Sanderson Ford
edited 4/19/2015 17:24
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
2000 ford excursion - spark plug issue
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 609
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