
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
2000 5.4L ford excursion for sale.
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• Hanahan, SC, USA
• Registered on 6/9/2017
• 1 post
Posted:6/9/2017 17:39
Purchased an engine from my local Ford dealer. It came straight from Detroit and had it installed at the dealership on 12/10/16. Now the PCM (brain) has gone on it and I do not want to fix it. If anyone is interested please email with an offer. The engine came with a 3yr/Unlimited mile warranty which is transferable.
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
2000 5.4L ford excursion for sale.
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 1370
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