
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New here with the Crown Victoria police interceptor 2010
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• Camden, NJ, USA
• Registered on 9/11/2019
• 2 posts
Posted:9/11/2019 09:25
Ok I bought this car or year ago from a guy who buys them at auction, fixes them and sells them. I paid $2500 for it. He has all the records of what was Done to the car when the police had it. On this car for instants the oil was changed every 3000 miles with synthetic oil. The car now has 104,000 on it and I bought it at 102,500 miles. It has a newer battery and newer tires and the guy did the brakes and the belt and belt tensioner.

I’m really pleased with it and if I have trouble I’ll be posting here for help! [url][code][img]
edited 9/11/2019 16:07
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Introductions
New here with the Crown Victoria police interceptor 2010
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 963
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