
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > SUV
Excursion 5.4 to 6.8 swap
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• Las Vegas, NV, USA
• Registered on 5/3/2023
• 2 posts
Posted:5/3/2023 19:48
I have a 2001 4 wheel drive 5.4 excursion. The moter and trany are both toast. The moter made it to 432000 miles and the trany was rebuilt at 231000 and is slipping. I have a 2000 4wheel drive excursion with a 6.8 that has only 98000 miles on it but it was t boned and totaled by a dump truck that ran a red lite. Now can I take the enter drive Trane the wire harnesses computer and all from the t boned one and put it all into the one that needs the moter and traney replaced. Please let me know and what exactly has to be swapped over thank you mal11963
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > SUV
Excursion 5.4 to 6.8 swap
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 500
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