
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
SuperMotors is working again!
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Smoky  SuperMotors Member
Subscriber since 10/12/2022
• Grand River, OH, USA
• Registered on 10/13/2003
• 2 posts
3 Vehicles
Posted:5/9/2023 04:41
I don't know what happened over the last week or so, although I suspect maybe a change to a new server. But whatever it was, I'm so glad everything is working again. I depend on SM to keep my car logs up to date. I always back up my logs to pdf so I wouldn't have lost anything. But I had no way to keep updating.
edited 5/9/2023 04:44
Forums > SuperMotors Topics > SuperMotors Support & Suggestions
SuperMotors is working again!
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 784
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