
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
3" lift on bronco 2
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jay dieterich
• glassbor, NJ, USA
• Registered on 2/7/2004
• 1 post
2 Vehicles
Posted:2/7/2004 14:35
i am about to put a 3" lift kit on an 89 B2, i was wondering if the drivetrain will be effected enough that ill need to extend it or can i just leave it as is just at the larger angle?
Bernie McGillakudy
• Crestwood, KY, USA
• Registered on 3/23/2004
• 3 posts
Posted:3/23/2004 15:43
Is it a body lift or a suspension lift?

If it is a body lift, you are fine, no worries.

If it is a suspension lift, then that does put a bit of stress on the rear driveshaft due to the angle. I would just do the lift and drive it like that until the rear shaft goes kerplooey and then put it in 4 wheel drive until you get a new rear shaft. makes a custom u-joint shaft that is pretty much indestructible for a very reasonable price. You wont need extended brake lines but anything over 3'' of lift will necessitate buying some longer ones in case you plan on lifting any further.

Are you planning on putting larger size tires after the lift? If you get a tire over 32'' tall, your d28 front axle probably wont be able to handle the stress for very long... the 2.9 liter v6 also doesnt push larger tires down the road very well at highway speeds. You can get the d35 front axle from an early 90's explorer which is much stronger and isn't too hard to swap in.

hope this helped.
edited 3/23/2004 15:44
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
3" lift on bronco 2
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