
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
Interest In Convertable Top???
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Drew Hardrath
• West Valley, UT, USA
• Registered on 10/20/2003
• 33 posts
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Posted:3/2/2004 17:39
OK, I got to thinking last night about Soft Tops for our trucks. The cheaper ones often cost around $340 and require drilling holes into the body, and many of us do not want to do that. And the ever popular Skyler Tops cost an arm and a leg, and they currently are not producing any because the company is for sale. And for those of us stuck with the 'In-Truck' spare tire, we're outta luck. So I drew up some designs, estimated some costs, and figured that I can build a top for around $100, at the most $115, and then sell them for $200-$225 a piece. I'd be selling for cheaper then most no-name brands, and making a product comparable to the Skyler Top. Of course it would be different enough so as not to encroach on copyright laws. It would use a frame mount, the stock mounting locations would be used, no drilling required. In order to keep costs down, metal snaps would be used, most likely avaiable in tan and black to begin with, etc, etc. My question is, if i base this off of my 1990 Bronco, what other years would it fit? 86-91? or 86-94? Also, would there be adequate interest in buying these? Anyway, let me know, I would like to get this project started, and hopefully sell a useful and quality product.
• Lawrencetown, XX, Canada
• Registered on 3/9/2004
• 13 posts
Posted:3/9/2004 08:19
I was looking for a soft top for my 96 and decided against it because I refuse to drill holes in the body. As far as what years it would fit, I would think 80-96 are very similar, and even 77-79 maybe close. Body styles were the same 77-79, 80-86, 87-91, 92-96. If you could make it to fit all years with no or little modification it would definately make a larger market for you.
jason arredondo
• los angeles, CA, USA
• Registered on 4/8/2003
• 47 posts
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Posted:3/18/2004 15:23
without drilling holes i would be very interested. for that price very very interested.
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > Bronco, Bronco II
Interest In Convertable Top???
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 3   |   Total Posts: 3   |   Total Views: 1149
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