
Forums > Frequently Asked Questions > Yearly Subscription Account Questions
How do I configure a 3rd party e-mail client like Microsoft Outlook to check my e-mail?
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 8864
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E. Long  Club OwnerSuperMotors Owner
Subscriber since 1/1/2001
• Atlanta, GA, USA
• Registered on 1/23/2001
• 2,229 posts
10 Vehicles
Posted:9/6/2006 09:50
NOTE: This is a subscriber-only feature. Becoming a subscriber is quick, easy, and cheap! Visit for details.

E-mail settings for any third-party client should be configured as follows:

Username: (NOTE: Please enter your full e-mail address)
Password: The same password you use for your SuperMotors account

Incoming/POP3 server:
Incoming/POP3 port: 110

Outgoing/SMTP server:
Outgoing/SMTP port: 25

NOTE: You should configure yoru e-mail client to check e-mail BEFORE sending e-mail. You will not be able to send an e-mail through the SuperMotors server without at least checking for e-mail beforehand. This is a security precaution.


'67 Galaxie 500 - 390 FE, .030" over, FE to AOD adapter, disc brake conversion. The Daily Driver.
'00 Excursion - 7.3L PSD, LANDYOT Gen-II Radius Rods, Factory Tech Valve Body, 200K+ miles and going
edited 9/6/2006 09:51
• jakarta, CA, Switzerland
• Registered on 1/27/2016
• 5 posts
Posted:1/27/2016 18:53
cool car so want to have

Resep istimewa asli dan alami Jamu Bersalin Untuk Ibu setelah proses melahirkan dan menyusui
Forums > Frequently Asked Questions > Yearly Subscription Account Questions
How do I configure a 3rd party e-mail client like Microsoft Outlook to check my e-mail?
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 2   |   Total Views: 8864
You must be logged in to post in or subscribe to this thread.Pages: 1

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