
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
355 or 373 Gears for Crown Vic
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• Fishers, IN, USA
• Registered on 9/25/2010
• 2 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:9/25/2010 08:22
I am looking for advice on Gears for my 98 Vic. This car is a everday driver from home to work and sometimes 200 mile trips to Kentucky. The Vic is a P71 Interceptor with stock gears, which suck by the way! The engine has a few mods done to it and the horsepower is there. Should I go with the 355 or 373 Gears? I'm Looking for the best of both worlds, Performance and OK gas mileage. Right now from a rolling start the Vic will out run most 5.0 mustangs, but from a dead stop I get blown away. Any advice would be Great.
Thank You
• gastonia, NC, USA
• Registered on 9/26/2010
• 9 posts
1 Vehicle
Posted:9/26/2010 13:17
i went with 3.73 and love them...i still get bout 17 to 18 mpg in town 19 to 21 on trips..
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > Engine and Drivetrain
355 or 373 Gears for Crown Vic
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