
Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > SUV
New Excursion Owner - oil question
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• Plattsburgh, NY, USA
• Registered on 10/24/2010
• 7 posts
2 Vehicles
Posted:10/25/2010 07:28

thanks to all of you for the help I have already found in this forum!

I just bought a 2000 Excursion Limited, 4x4 V10 a few weeks ago.
I would like some professional opinions on what I should be doing for oil?

I switched my 1991 volvo 740 turbo over to synthetic at 190,000 and it now has 245,000 with no problems. I like the idea of synthetic, but am not sure if it is right for the X.

Here is the deal - I bought the X with 207,000 on it, but it has a new transmission (installed by FORD dealer) 11,000 miles ago, and the engine was rebuilt at 185,000 (also by ford). the head was replaced at that time as well. My question is if I should (or if it is a good idea) switch over to synthetic, and if so is there any procedure to go through or things I should be concerned about? The mileage does not seem to be what it should on this beast - 9mpg? I got almost 12 towing the volvo back from MA, but am consistently at 8.5 - 9 now around town unladen. Thanks for the look and the help in advance guys!

Forums > Car and Truck Make and Model Specific > SUV
New Excursion Owner - oil question
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 985
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