
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
1999 Crown Vic Spark Plug Problems
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• Little Rock, AR, USA
• Registered on 4/29/2012
• 1 post
Posted:4/29/2012 20:34
Hey man Im kinda new to this forum stuff but Im looking to buy a 1999 Crown Vic from this man this week but kinda on the cautious side the problem with the car is that one of the spark plugs pops out and I was wondering is that a serious problem or could that be fixed by just replacing the spark plug boot if you could please give me sum feedback before Thursday May 3,2012
Forums > SuperMotors Community Discussion > General Automotive Discussion
1999 Crown Vic Spark Plug Problems
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 1   |   Total Posts: 1   |   Total Views: 1760
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