
Forums > Frequently Asked Questions > Posting Pictures, Sounds, and Videos
Please can somebody help me upload my videos???
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dmcdfreak  SuperMotors Member
Subscriber since 4/25/2012
• Orange County, CA, USA
• Registered on 4/25/2012
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6 Vehicles
Posted:4/30/2012 22:51
I get an error message when trying to upload a video. I have tried MP4, AVI and others but when I try to upload it via the individual file upload and not the group upload section It waits a little bit then gives this error message.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 202664961 bytes) in /hsphere/local/home/superm/ on line 850

Does anybody know what that means??

I try to upload my videos through the batch upload option and they do not upload there either. I have 6 videos I want to upload from an event from my car and I am upset I have been trying for 5 days.

I paid for the 3 year member ship and all these files are under 200 mb. and becuase I subscribed I should be allowed 500 mb. so I know that is not an issue;

dmcdfreak  SuperMotors Member
Subscriber since 4/25/2012
• Orange County, CA, USA
• Registered on 4/25/2012
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Posted:4/30/2012 22:54

If I try to upload all 6 of them at once via the batch upload option. They upload to 100%, then they dissapear from the screen and when I click done they are not in the album. No error message then just back to the page before basically and I have wasted like 20 min for the videos to all upload and for nothing...
Please somebody help!!!!

• Lamongan, IN, India
• Registered on 3/31/2015
• 5 posts
Posted:3/31/2015 22:48

Perhaps the size of the video that will fiile you upload too large, resulting in an error and the upload failed.

Jual Rockwool | Cincin Couple/Pasangan
Forums > Frequently Asked Questions > Posting Pictures, Sounds, and Videos
Please can somebody help me upload my videos???
Thread Statistics:     Users to Post: 2   |   Total Posts: 3   |   Total Views: 3724
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